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Waterproof Cast & Splints
Waterproof Cast
Back on Track can offer patients that have broken/fractured bones waterproof casting, patients are now able to swim or shower normally without the annoying need to keep their plaster cast dry. The waterproof cast is lined with bubbles of padding that only allows water to touch the skin without being absorbed into the cast. Often your waterproof cast will be completely dry in one to two hours.
Splinting is used when an injured part of a patients body needs to be securely held in place but does not require a cast. Back on Track can provide a wide variety of splints specific to your individual injury, in order to optimise function and/or reduce pain.

Talk to our team to find out more about our Waterproof Cast & Splint services!

Get your health back on track
- (02) 9604 9744
- Shop 41, 1024 The Horsley Dr, Wetherill Park NSW
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